Pet Registration Comes With its Privileges!

Your web account gives you anytime-anywhere access to manage your pet’s information:

List your SafePLACES to prevent your lost pet from going to a shelter.

Flag your pet’s microchip in the National Tracking System.

Update your contact info anytime.  Stay reachable!

Report your pet missing and launch a free SearchALERT.


Lost Pets are JOB ONE.  We have modernized the recovery process to utilize social media and smart phone technology.  Members can post pet pictures, launch a SearchALERT, or connect on Facebook by logging in.

Now you can login to your member account and get training tips anytime from any device. Teach your dog Sit, Stay, Come, Crate Train, House Training, No Jumping, and so much more.  Learn on the go and make life with your pet fun and happy!